The GoF Patterns
每种模式在现实中都有相应的原理来与之对应,每种模式都描述了一个在我们周围不断重复发生的问题,以及该问题的核心解决方案,这也是设计模式能被广泛应用的原因。在 1994 年,由 Erich Gamma、Richard Helm、Ralph Johnson 和 John Vlissides 四人合著出版了一本名为 Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software(中文译名:设计模式 - 可复用的面向对象软件元素)的书,该书首次提到了软件开发中设计模式的概念。
四位作者合称 GOF(四人帮,全拼 Gang of Four),所提出的设计模式主要是基于以下的面向对象设计原则:
- 对接口编程而不是对实现编程。
- 优先使用对象组合而不是继承。
Creational Patterns
- 工厂模式Factory method
- 抽象工厂模式Abstract factory
- 建造者模式Builder
- 原型模式Prototype
- 单例模式Singleton
Structural Patterns
- 适配器模式Adapter
- 桥接模式Bridge
- 组合模式Composite
- 装饰器模式Decorator
- 外观模式Facade
- 享元模式Flyweight
- 代理模式Proxy
Behavioral Patterns
- 责任链模式Chain of responsibility
- 命令模式Command
- 解释器模式Interpreter
- 迭代器模式Iterator
- 中介者模式Mediator
- 备忘录模式Memento
- 观察者模式Observer
- 状态模式State
- 策略模式Strategy
- 模板模式Template method
- 访问者模式Visitor
Summary of Patterns
Patterns | Summary |
Abstract factory | You want to create objects of a selected family of classes but you don’t want the client to be affected by the choice. |
Adapter | You want to convert one interface to another. |
Bridge | You want to switch between different implementations at run time without affecting the client. |
Builder | You want to change the processes and process steps at run time to produce various categories of products. |
Chain of responsibility | You want to pass a request along a reconfigurable chain of handlers until one that handles it. |
Command | You want to encapsulate requests as (command) objects so that you can: (1) delegate the requests to the command objects, (2) queue the requests and execute them at a different time, (3) generate a plan of actions dynamically, and/or (4) stack the requests to support undo and redo. |
Composite | You want to represent components with recursive part-whole relationships and allow the client to interact with components and composites uniformly. |
Decorator | You want to dynamically add/remove functionality to/from objects. |
Facade | You want to simplify the interface for a client that interacts with a web of components. |
Factory method | You want to create or use objects of different classes but you want to delay the decision to the subclasses so that the decision can be changed at run time. |
Flyweight | You want to save time and space incurred in the creation, initialization, and storage of many occurrences of an object. |
Interpreter | You want dynamic modification of a portion of your program but you don’t want to recompile the system. |
Iterator | You want a traversal mechanism that hides the structure traversed. |
Mediator | You want to simplify the complex interaction among several components. |
Memento | You want to store and restore the state of an object but you don’t want to expose the internals of the state to a third party. |
Observer | You want to decouple change and related responses so that you can add or remove such dependencies freely and dynamically. |
Prototype | You want to: (1) reduce object creation and initialization costs, (2) reduce number of classes, or (3) use dynamically loaded classes. |
Proxy | You want to: (1) hide the use of a remote object, (2) defer creation of an object until it is actually used, (3) control access to an object, or (4) keep track of references or update to an object. |
Singleton | You want to create at most one or a limited number of globally accessible instances of a class. |
State | You want a low complexity and easy to extend solution to implement a state machine. |
Strategy | You want to let the client select an algorithm from available algorithms to accomplish a given task. |
Template | method You want the steps of a computation to vary but you don’t want to do so with conditional statements. |
Visitor | You want to decouple type-dependent operations from a class structure to achieve high-cohesion and designing “stupid objects.” |